
Top 250 Multinational Family Firms

Top 250 Multinational Family Firms

Family Business Chair of the University of Seville (Spain), sponsored by Banco Santander, has developed the Top 250 Multinational Family Firms. This Ranking aims to shed light on a type of firms sometimes overlooked, but which can be used as a reference for other family businesses with local orientation.

All of the firms in our study demonstrate the following characteristics: (1) one or more families exercise effective control over the ownership of the firm; (2) they are international, that is to say, they have an important international presence; and (3) the family is involved in the business, in that a member of the owning family sits on the board of directors and, in many cases, is the firm’s CEO.

The ranking of multinational family businesses includes large firms, some of which are among the largest in the world, employing over 16 million people. The criteria for classification as a family business are restrictive, because they require effective family involvement in the firm. 48,4 per cent of FMNCs are from Europe, followed by companies from North America (25,2%), and Asia (18,2%).

Link: https://www.multinationalfamilybusiness.com

José C. Casillas & Adolfo Vazquez
University of Seville.

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