What we do

The activities of the Chair are focused on three main areas: education, research and the provision of services for local family enterprises.


Formal teaching

The Chair offers various formal training courses at the University of Seville in the field of Family Business Management. These courses have attracted over 500 students from a wide variety of disciplines (Business Management & Administration, Law, Engineering, etc.).

Seminars and conferences

The Chair regularly organizes seminars, conferences and debates on current aspects of family business, aimed at students, businesses and professionals.

Business visits

With the aim of bringing together the realities of business and academia, the Chair organizes occasional student visits to family firms in Seville.


Studies and research

The Chair promotes studies and research into the reality of family business, from both a professional and purely academic perspective. Some of the most important papers are the following:

• “Growth and Internationalization in Family Business”, Studies of the Institute of Family Business and PwC, 2005.
• “International Entrepreneurship in Family Business”, Edward-Elgar Publishing, 2007.
• “Family Business Management: Concepts, cases and solutions” (2nd edition). Paraninfo, Madrid, 2014.

Academic research

With regard to academic research, the Chair has led the way in three major areas of investigation.
• Family business internationalization, with papers published in journals such as International Journal of Globalization and Small Business; Management International; Global Management Journal, etc.
• The entrepreneurial orientation of family business, with articles published in journals such as Family Business Review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
• Strategic management in family business, with articles published in Family Business Review, Revista de Empresa Familiar [Review of Family Business], etc.

Services to businesses


The Chair aims to serve family businesses by providing advice in subject areas relating to family business, (governing bodies, succession planning, protocols, family and business relations, family business evaluation, etc.).

Training seminars

The Chair organizes training seminars aimed at improving the management of family firms, examining a number of specific aspects. Recent seminars have looked at the new insolvency regulations, family business internationalization, and innovation.