Geometric Numerical Integration

Geometric Numerical Integration

Detalles de Evento

  • Date:
  • Lugar de encuentro: BCAM
  • Categorías:

This course is devoted to the study of numerical techniques used for simulating dynamical systems, especially conservative systems such as those in celestial mechanics and molecular models. In a dynamical simulation, an integrator replaces a differential equation in continuous time by a difference equation defining approximate captures of the solution at discrete time steps. More precisely, geometric integrators are numerical methods that preserve geometric properties of the exact flow of a differential equation. More info:

*Registration is free, but mandatory before May 17th: So as to inscribe go to and fill the registration form. Student grants are available. Please, let us know if you need support for travel and accommodation expenses when you fill the form.

Elena Portillo

Contacto para prensa y servicios de divulgación científica.

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