
In many settings, differential equation models do not always provide adequate fidelity to the continuum phenomena being modeled. This occurs in diverse areas such as crack nucleation and propagation in solids and animal migration in ecological systems, just to name a few. A common feature…

SPM is an international conference series that aims at all aspects of geometric and physical modeling, and their application in design, analysis and manufacturing, as well as in biomedical, geophysical, digital entertainment, and other areas. The symposium is organized with the support of the Solid Modeling…

The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics, including (but not limited to): Algorithms and Complexity, Combinatorics, Coding Theory, Cryptography, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Discrete Optimization, Graph Theory, and Location and Related Problems. The previous edition of this conference was held…

BCAM is holding a research program on “Geometric function theory in fluid mechanics”. Our objective is to put together two communities apparently disconnected, and settle common interests and goals. The program includes several events that will happen both at the UAB campus and at the UB historical building. There will…

The Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis is a one-week scientific activity consisting mainly of courses addressed to PhD students and young researchers on current research topics in Stochastic Analysis. Selected participants are also given the opportunity to deliver short talks or to display posters….

El NABVP-2018 está organizado por el Grupo de Ecuaciones Diferenciales No Lineales de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, en honor al Prof. Juan J. Nieto, en ocasión de su 60 cumpleaños. El objetivo de la Conferencia es reunir a los investigadores que trabajan tanto...

The future quantum computers will break RSA and ECC thanks to the celebrated Shor’s algorithm, rendering Internet and electronic commerce insecure. The american institute of standards (NIST) launched an open contest to select and standardize quantum safe (post-quantum) PKC schemes. The open call ended in…

Data serves to improve decision making. Data has been shown to be an extremely useful resource in many fields including communications, information technology, weather forecasting, and economics, where data processing techniques developed under paradigms such as machine learning and data science are enabling many critical…

This course is an introduction to statistical software R. The course will introduce the student to the basics of using R for statistical programming, computation, graphics, and basic data modelling. *Registration is free, but inscription is required before 17th October: So as to inscribe go to and…

Mathematical research in non-local operators and related jump processes has witnessed a rapid expansion over the past few years. These problems pose new challenges to both pure and applied mathematics, lying at the interface of at least three wide fields (stochastic processes, partial differential equations…