
Speaker(s): Bernd Sturmfels and Rafael Montenegro Bernd Sturmfels (Max Plank Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences): “Varieties of Signature Tensors”  We discuss recent developments in computational algebraic geometry that were motivated by the study of rough paths in stochastic analysis. Every path in a real vector…

BiDAS 3 focuses on attracting researchers in a variety of fields involving Data Science. This workshop will feature five keynote and ten invited speakers exploring the nature of the relationship between Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics to develop synergies among the fields. The main goal…

El próximo 8 de noviembre el Centro Vasco de Matemática Aplicada – BCAM ofrecerá una charla divulgativa, dirigida al público general, con motivo de la Semana de la Ciencia. La charla tendrá lugar en el auditorio del centro (Alameda Mazarredo 14, Bilbao) a las 19:00h y será de…

Lyapunov functionals are a very common tool in dynamical systems, used in order to study convergence to equilibrium of many systems. There are many partial differential equations in mathematical physics which have natural Lyapunov functionals that represent the entropy, energy, or free energy of a…

The Third School Orthonet (net of Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory) will be held in Bilbao, at BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), during 19th-23rd November 2018. The lecturers will be professors J. S. Christiansen, A. Kuijlaars and S. Thangavelu. There will be also four one-hour…

En esta conferencia, J. Tomás Lázaro Ochoa nos introducirá a los fundamentos matemáticos básicos del algoritmo de búsqueda que ha convertido a Google en una de las empresas más poderosas del mundo, el denominado PageRank. Este algoritmo revolucionario permite ordenar, de forma rápida, eficiente y…

This course is an introduction to the Unique Continuation (UC) Property in the sense of Hardy Un-certainty Principle: consider u(t,x) a solution to an evolution equation at time t and space variable x. Assuming that u(0,x) and u(1,x) decay sufficiently fast for large |x|, then…

Quizás sea el número más famoso de la historia. Lo cierto es que el número Pi, representado por la letra griega π, es una de las constantes matemáticas más importantes que existen en el mundo, estudiada por el ser humano desde hace más de 4.000…

ABSTRACT Theoretical fluid dynamics is a topic of huge current interest, with a history of more than three hundred years old, at the intersection of the physical area of fluid mechanics, the engineering of aero and hidro vessels, the analysis of partial differential equations and…