Entropy Methods in PDE & Kinetic Theory

Entropy Methods in PDE & Kinetic Theory

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  • Lugar de encuentro: BCAM
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Lyapunov functionals are a very common tool in dynamical systems, used in order to study convergence to equilibrium of many systems. There are many partial differential equations in mathematical physics which have natural Lyapunov functionals that represent the entropy, energy, or free energy of a system. These PDE define infinite-dimensional dynamical systems and the application of these Lyapunov functionals in order to deduce any properties of the relaxation to equilibrium of these equations is often not straightforward.

*Registration is free, but inscription is required before 7th November: So as to inscribe go to https://bit.ly/2LdFcRY and fill the registration form.

More info: https://www.bcamath.org/es/courses/2018-11-12-bcam-course

Elena Portillo

Contacto para prensa y servicios de divulgación científica.

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