Permanent research position in experimental nuclear physics at RBI

The Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb, Croatia has vacant permanent entry level position in experimental nuclear physics. Research topics of the nuclear physics group are structure of light nuclei, reaction dynamics around the Coulomb barrier and multi-nucleon transfer reactions using arrays of silicon detectors or large spectrometers (PRISMA at INFN-LNL).

Successful candidate should have at least 3 years of postdoctoral experience, more than nine publications in internationally refereed journals of which at least three as the main author and at least four should be published in journals with impact factor greater than median for nuclear physics. Preference will be given to candidates experienced on research equipment development and assembling. Advanced knowledge of English is necessary. Position is a full time position, 40 working hours per week. Envisaged job starting date is in the second half of 2016. 

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