Postdoctoral fellowship in experimental nuclear physics at GANIL

Postdoctoral fellowship in experimental nuclear physics at GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds) Caen, France

Dead line for application: 01/06/2018

The Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) calls for applications to a two years young researcher post-doctoral fellow (CDD) in the field of experimental nuclear physics starting from November 2018. The successful candidate will be involved in the research activities related to the structure of nuclei probed using magnetic spectrometer (VAMOS++) and high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy (AGATA).

The candidate will have an opportunity, within an international team, to contribute to the preparation and operation of the experimental setups involving the VAMOS++ spectrometer, the gamma-ray tracking array AGATA and the charged particle array MUGAST.

She/He will be in charge of the analysis and the interpretation of existing and future experimental data and the communication of the results (publications, schools and workshops, conferences).

The applicant should have a PhD in experimental nuclear physics. She/He should be strongly motivated for both the fundamental physics and the associated instrumentation. She/He should have a solid experience in both the use and the development of data-analysis tools.

The applicant should provide detailed curriculum vitae, a research program, a list of publications, conference and seminar presentations and two letters of recommendation. The application should be send to Antoine Lemasson (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.) latest by 1st June 2018.