Atraccion de Talento Comunidad de Madrid

The Department of Theoretical Physics at UAM welcomes applications for fixed-term positions, under the program "Atracción de talento".

The local government of Madrid's region has opened its 2019 ATCAM call to attract talented researchers in order to incorporate them into public universities and research institutes in the region. 

For further information visit the web page (in Spanish, no English version is available, sorry!) 

The Departamento de Fisica Teorica (DFT) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid ( expresses its interest at incorporating senior, experienced researchers (Modality 1 of the call) working in the following areas:

** Particle Physics (both theoretic and experimental), 

** Astrophysics and Cosmology, and

** Nuclear Physics

Here is a brief summary of the required and offered conditions: 

4-year positions.

PhDs awarded in the 01/01/2007-12/31/14 period.

2 years abroad from Spain in the last three years.

Salary+Social Security=55000€/year.

Up to 200000€ extra research funds along the contract period for research.

There are already four scientists at DFT who have been incorporated under ATCAM. Moreover, 13 out of the current DFT staff are or have been Ramón y Cajal fellows.

DFT drives a Master Degree in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, and actively participates in a second one in Nuclear Physics, see

Moreover, DFT  is responsible for two PhD Programmes in Theorecal Physics and Astrophysics, respectively.

Two research Institutes are associated to DFT:

** Instituto de Fisica Teorica, IFT (CSIC-UAM),

** Centro de Investigacion Avanzada en Fisica Fundamental, CIAFF (UAM),

In order to be apply to the call via the DFT at UAM, applicants should express their interest to Anette Knebe (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.), our local research manager who can also help with the call. The expression of interest needs to be received not later than July 5th and should contain the following:

** CV and research trajectory

** Research project and organisation

** Summary of additional funding or special equipment that would be required to carry out the project  

Important: Candidates should stress their experince in the different aspects specified in the call

(Articulo 20 in  

Since the number of applicants that can be supported by the DFT at UAM is limited, the expressions of interests are mandatory in order to be considered. After July 5th Anette Knebe will contact the applicants to inform them if the DFT at UAM will be able to support their application. 

The candidates supported by the DFT should then apply through the ATCAM webpage by July 12th.