Open positions (PhD students - Univ. Cologne / GSI)

The Institute for Nuclear Physics of the University of Cologne has two open positions for PhD students to work at GSI (Darmstadt) on projects for the NUSTAR/DESPEC collaboration. HISPEC/DESPEC experiments will be situated in the Low Energy Brunch (LEB) Cave of the NUSTAR collaboration within FAIR, where Super-FRS beams of radioactive ions with energies of typically 10-300 A MeV will be available. The goal is to investigate nuclear structure using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy for isotopes far off stability produced, separated and selected in the Super-Fragment Separator (SFRS) by means of its tracking detectors and devices. The projects concern the development of ultra-thin beam-tracking detectors for HISPEC/DESPEC. The tracking detectors and their readout electronics have to cope with more than an order of magnitude intensity variation, maintaining high efficiency and good timing resolution. The developed tracking detectors are to be integrated into the HISPEC/DESPEC setup and commissioning experiments have to be performed, establishing the methods and analysis of experiments with beams slowed from 150 MeV/u to 10 MeV/u. Active participation in performing experiments at Phase-0 of DESPEC at GSI is granted and requested as well.  

Each position is available from 01.10.2019 on a full time basis. It is limited to three years. The University of Cologne is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Women are expressly encouraged to apply and given priority in accordance with the Equal Opportunities  Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz– LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from people with special needs or of equal status.

Please send your application with a curriculum vitae and a proof of your  master degree in physics by email (in one pdf-file) to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. or Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. before 31.08.19.