Post-doctoral position in theoretical physics at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Naples

The appointed candidate is expected to work with the local Nuclear Theory Group, whose research activities are focused on nuclear structure. In particular, the main topic is the study of the spectroscopic properties of exotic nuclei near shell closure and chains of nuclei toward the drip lines, within the framework of the nuclear shell model. This work is done mostly in close collaboration with experimentalists.

Calculations are performed employing microscopic effective Hamiltonians, which are derived from realistic nuclear potentials by way of the many-body perturbation theory.

In this connection, a relevant part of the research activity is aimed to improve and extend the range of application of realistic effective shell-model Hamiltonians.

Upcoming efforts will be devoted to take into account three-nucleon forces in the derivation of the effective Hamiltonian and to calculate the nuclear matrix elements governing the neutrinoless double-beta decay.

The research group is also involved in the study of infinite nuclear matter.

The position is for one-year  period (renewable for another year), and its starting date will be not later than November 1, 2016. The annual gross salary is 40,000 euros, lunch tickets will be provided for working days, and travel tickets to and from Naples wil be reimbursed at the beginning and at the end of the fellowship.

Applications, in electronic form, must be sent to INFN not later than November 15, 2015 through the web page:

Further details are available at