Seminario sobre Generadores de neutrones D-D

“Technology and applications of new deuterium-deuterium (D-D) neutron generator”

Dr. Kaouther Bergaoui

National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Túnez

Neutron generators are an excellent tool that can be effectively utilized in educational institutions for applications such as neutron activation analysis, neutron radiography, and profiling and irradiation effects. The Tunisian National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (NCNST) have acquired a state-of-the-art DD-110 neutron generator. Monoenergetic neutrons (2.5MeV) are produced with a maximum yield of 1010n/s using 25-50 mA of deuterium ion beam current and a 125 kV of acceleration voltage.

In the first step describe the characteristic of the generator, verification and validation of the shielding adequacy by measuring the neutron and gamma dose-rates at various locations inside and outside of the neutron generator. These measurements are made during the operational conditions and comparing with theoretical simulations.

In the second step we present the following applications of the neutron generator:

(1) Prompt -ray neutron activation analysis of 10B concentrations in Si and SiO2 matrices was carried out using a germanium detector (HPGe);

(2) The neutron radiography facility used in the measurements and simulations employs a fully high-voltage-shielded, D-D neutron generator. Both fast and thermal neutron images were acquired with the generator and a Charge Coupled Devices Camera. To shorten the imaging time and decrease the noise from gamma radiation, various collimator designs were proposed and simulated using MCNP6;

(3) Optimization of a D-D neutron generator based in Explosive Detection System (EDS) was performed using Monte-Carlo simulation; and

(4) The plausibility of BNCT treatment of the cancer using neutrons from a DD-110 is assessed by calculating the distribution of photon equivalent dose on a breast phantom using Monte-Carlo simulation.

Keywords: Neutron Generator deuterium-deuterium (DD), Monte Carlo method, Radiation, Neutron Flux, Neutron Activation Analysis, Boron, neutron radiography, Explosive Detection, BNCT.

Lunes 11 de diciembre, 12:00 – 14:00

Miércoles 13 de diciembre, 12:30 – 14:30

Biblioteca del Instituto de Fusión Nuclear

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