Socio-economic impact of mathematical research and mathematical technology in Spain

Socio-economic impact of mathematical research and mathematical technology in Spain

The presentation of the study of socio-economic impact of mathematics conducted by Analistas Financieros Internacionales and promoted from the Red Estratégica en Matemáticas (REM) took place on April 10th in the establishment of coworking Growth-space located in Madrid.

The notable conclusions of this study were the following:

-Maths-intensive activities accounted for a million jobs in 2016, which represented 6% of total employment in the Spanish economy.

– In terms of GVA , the impact of maths-intensive activities stood at 10.1% of the total in 2016 (26.9% of the total including knock-on effects).

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Elena Portillo

Contacto para prensa y servicios de divulgación científica.

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