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Título Fecha de Publicación Impactos
Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Nuclear Physics at the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt 03 Mayo 2016 242
Postdoc position in Low-Energy Experimental Nuclear Physics at LLNL 28 Abril 2016 216
Position in Experimental Particle and Medical Physics at IFIC 27 Abril 2016 254
Permanent positions at the University of Surrey 25 Abril 2016 216
CERN Vacancy Notice Publication 25 Abril 2016 214
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 18 Abril 2016 216
Postdoc position at RCNP for CAGRA project 11 Abril 2016 287
Research Associate position in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics at National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) 11 Abril 2016 216
Postdoctoral Fellow - CANREB at Triumf 04 Abril 2016 238
Research scientist position in nuclear spectroscopy at ILL Grenoble 30 Marzo 2016 266
Permanent position of a nuclear physicist at CEA Saclay 28 Marzo 2016 264
PhD position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at Padova University 28 Marzo 2016 247
Researcher position at Padova University 28 Marzo 2016 260
POLONEZ 2 Call Text 28 Marzo 2016 282
PDF position - Canadian Penning Trap Collaboration 28 Marzo 2016 252
Two new academic posts in Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Physics at University of Surrey 21 Marzo 2016 248
Post-doc position in nuclear theory at Jyväskylä, Finland 01 Marzo 2016 252
Permanent research position in experimental nuclear physics at RBI 17 Febrero 2016 290
Postdoc: Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Science 16 Febrero 2016 258
Plazas de Profesores Contratados en la Universidad de Huelva 16 Febrero 2016 283