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PhD position in experimental nuclear physics at Bordeaux 10 Julio 2019 148
PhD position in experimental nuclear structure physics in Stockholm and Uppsala 10 Julio 2019 141
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Low-Energy Nuclear Physics at UNC - TUNL 10 Julio 2019 172
Atraccion de Talento Comunidad de Madrid 10 Julio 2019 292
Post-doc in Italy 10 Julio 2019 125
Postdoctoral researcher position in experimental nuclear physics at Jyväskylä 10 Julio 2019 129
ANL.PHY.Staff Positions 10 Julio 2019 127
Contratos atracción de talento investigador de la CAM 10 Julio 2019 152
DRAGON Postdoctoral Researcher 10 Julio 2019 105
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at TRIUMF-ISAC Post-Doctoral Research Associate Opportunities 10 Julio 2019 105
2 positions at Lublin, Poland 11 Junio 2019 165
INFN-GR4: borse post doc FELLINI: diffusione bando, scadenza 16 Luglio 03 Junio 2019 164
Job opening: physicist postdoctoral fellow at GSI (superheavy element chemistry department) 03 Junio 2019 142
PhD position in astrophysics, plasma physics or allied fields - University of Seville 03 Junio 2019 395
Post-doctoral position in machine learning for nuclear data development 27 Mayo 2019 247
PhD position at CENBG 27 Mayo 2019 103
Postdoctoral position in Experimental Nuclear Physics, Chalmers 27 Mayo 2019 128
Open position (5 years) at iThemba Labs 27 Mayo 2019 223
Postdoc Geant4 specialist at University of York 27 Mayo 2019 165
2-year postdoc position in experimental nuclear physics at the University of Regina 02 Mayo 2019 166